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Sunday 2 March 2014

Thesis and Bachelor Degree.

I'm telling you about how i can reached my bachelor degree.

August 2013
Searching for the right title for my thesis proposal.

September 2013
Submited my thesis proposal and i got my best thesis advisor. She really helped me on doing this holy thesis. Never imagine that i could finish my thesis in 3.5 months.

October 2013
My thesis advisor gave me a challenge to add a new variabel that never been done in research. It's hard a little because it couldn't fit on my research's object.

November 2013
I've finished my thesis over all. Waiting for some revision by my thesis advisor. I have some trouble on this month. I was on the bad step. I couldnt believe in anyone. Yes, anyone.

December 2013
I was doing great. I helped my boyfriend in his study. I finished my thesis and did seminar on December 24th.

January 2014
There's always a great reward from Allah when you're doing something seriously. I reached my bachelor degree on January 27th
When you want to reach something, you dream, and then you believe. Dont let yourself on laziness. Forget what people said about negative words about you. They dont know you that much. They dont know how hard the process was.

Things about thesis and bachelor degree:
1. I didnt hang out with my boyfriend since september. You have to choose what's your priority for sure. If you are good at balancing, then do what you wanna do. But, i was not. 
He was supporting me by sat next to me while i was doing it. He came to my house suprisingly.e listened to my dilemmas about thesis. It's more than enough.

2. Always doing thesis every weekend while you're studying for your college on weekdays. Never stop. Never let your mood ruin your thesis. Never.

3. The worst enemy for thesis is laziness. If you on it, remember that you want yourself to reach bachelor degree as soon as possible. Remember you want to make your parents proud of you.

4. Meet your thesis advisor every time you see her. Ask her everything about your thesis. If you're afraid to meet your thesis advisor, it will be take too much time to finish it.

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