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Tuesday 19 April 2011

Dear Ex-Bestriend

17:26 0 Comments
I just realized that I’m not sorry that whatever we had is over. But to be completely honest,  I am sorry that we don’t talk, laugh, and play around like we used to. If anything, I would rewind to the part where we would hang out and be good friends and where our feelings for each other never existed.


17:26 0 Comments

1. Money can’t buy happiness but
somehow, it’s more comfortable to cry in a BMW than on a bicycle…
2. Forgive your enemy, but
remember the motherfucker’s name.
3. Help a man when he is trouble & he will remember you
when he is in trouble again.
4. Many people are alive only because
it’s illegal to shoot them.
5. Alcohol does not solve any problem, but then,
neither does milk.

Wednesday 13 April 2011


09:31 0 Comments
Sebaik-baiknya teman yang pada akhirnya kamu anggap sahabat, pada akhirnya akan hilang satu per satu. Tak tau kapan itu terjadi.

Mungkin itu yang bikin aku ga terlalu percaya arti sahabat. Sahabat yang selalu ada dalam suka dan duka? Sebaik-baiknya sahabat yang kamu punya, jarang bisa mengendalikan kamu disaat kamu marah, mendekap kamu disaat sedih. Mereka tidak tahu caranya. Mereka hanya berusaha menghibur kamu. Bukan 'menenangkan' kamu.

Pemikiran ini yang membuat aku berpikir kalo sahabat yang aku punya di dunia ini hanya SATU. Cukup satu. Tapi dia mengerti aku.

Aku pernah ditinggalkan oleh seorang sahabat, bahkan aku tidak tau salahku apa. Dia hanya pergi begitu saja. Sedih. Tentu saja.

Hingga kini, orang-orang yang menganggap aku sahabat mereka hanya bisa aku panggil sebagai teman dekat. Maaf kalau tersinggung. Aku tak pernah ingin merasakan kehilangan orang yang aku anggap sahabat untuk kedua kalinya :)

Saturday 2 April 2011

What is love?

21:41 0 Comments
What is love?
Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing, is your voice caught within your chest?
That isn’t love, that’s just lust.
Are you proud and eager to show them off?
That isn’t love, it’s pride.
Do you want them because you know they’re there?
That isn’t love, it’s loneliness.
Are you there because it’s what everyone wants?
That isn’t love, it’s loyalty.
Are you there because they kissed you or held your hand?
That isn’t love, it’s low self esteem.
Do you stay for their confessions of love because you don’t want to hurt them?
That isn’t love, it’s pity.
Do you belong to them because when you see them your heart skips a beat?
That isn’t love, it’s infatuation.
Do you pardon their faults because you care about them?
That isn’t love, it’s friendship.
Do you tell them every day that they’re the only one you think of?
That isn’t love, that’s a lie.
Are you willing to give up your favorite things for their sake?
That isn’t love, it’s charity.
Does your heart break when they’re sad?
That’s love.
Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?
That’s love.
Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and relation pulls you close, and holds you there?
That’s love.
Do you accept their faults, because it’s part of who we are?
That’s love.
Are you attached to others but stay with your love, without regret?
That’s love.
Would you give them your heart, your life your death?
Think about it for a second.

yours :')

21:39 0 Comments

Bertemu kamu adalah takdir

menjadi temanmu adalah pilihan

tapi jatuh cinta kepadamu berada di luar kendaliku

Prettiest Friend

21:25 0 Comments
I've never been long to tell you how I truly feel for you. But I never found the courage to say the words that world ease up my mind. it's never been easy for me all this time. You were my closest friend but I never had the chance to open up to you. I watched you being hurt but all i am is a friend who comforts. Little did you know that I was in pain too. But whenever we are together, I just cover it with the joy of being with you. You are all that matters to me but she is all that matters to you. I was really scared to tell you how much I care for you. I was afraid you will never talk to me again. You treated me as a very close friend and but in turn I see you even more than that. I never really expected us to be this close but you showed me so much more. It is but human to long for more and i'm sorry for being one. I know I really in love with you and that fact will never ever ever fade away. You are one in billion and i dont think that I would run up to someone like you ever again.Remember that I will always be here for you and you will always be my prettiest friend.
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