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Sunday 15 May 2011

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

"Love is being with someone who feels like your heart and soul to you."

This quote, by Danielle Barone, is just one of the many definitions of how people percieve the quality of love.

I think to explain this quote, we could argue that it is about the idea of your partner being everything. Our heart and soul is what makes us who we are and therefore having love as part of this is surely saying that our partner is also making us a part of who we are. This definition of love goes by the reasoning that we would not be complete without them, and as cheesy as it sounds, it is describing the huge loss and emptiness we would feel if we didn't have them there.

This quote also symbolizes the idea that when you love someone, you can't imagine your life without them. Our heart and soul is a part of us that we couldn't live without and therefore is love is the same feeling as this, it is a partner that we believe to be someone who we wish to stay in our lives forever.

Obviously there are many different types of love. Love for a partner in a romantic relationship is the most common sort of love we would think of, however the continuous love we have for family members. Sometimes, as we don't choose who our family is, we don't have that same wish and feeling of need that we do with a partner. I believe this quote isn't about the love that we have for family members; although we do believe they are part of our life and without them it would be harder, it's not that same connection that we have with someone we choose to spend the rest of our life with.

I think it is interesting in discovering the vast amount of quotes which try to define what love is in their own personal opinion because this feeling can change and we might think someone is our heart and soul but are unaware that this feeling can also fade out. 

Love is patient, Love is kind.

Love is all around us

Love is blind

Love is temporary madness

It's because of all these different definitions that most people come to the conclusion that we can't define love. Well, maybe we, as individuals can define love, but that doesn't mean its the same for other people. It's a universal phenonmenon that almost everyone feels, but that cannot be universally defined.

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